
IIS 10.0 Detailed Error – 404.0

HTTP Error 404.0 – Not Found

The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

Most likely causes:

  • The directory or file specified does not exist on the Web server.
  • The URL contains a typographical error.
  • A custom filter or module, such as URLScan, restricts access to the file.

Things you can try:

  • Create the content on the Web server.
  • Review the browser URL.
  • Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code and see which module is calling SetStatus. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.

Detailed Error Information:

Module    IsapiModule
Notification    ExecuteRequestHandler
Handler    ASPClassic
Error Code    0x00000000
Requested URL
Physical Path    D:\inetpub\\nacional\interna_rw.asp
Logon Method    Anonymous
Logon User    Anonymous

More Information:

This error means that the file or directory does not exist on the server. Create the file or directory and try the request again.

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